Child Protection

We empower children, youth, caregivers, practitioners, and community-based organizations by providing knowledge on the measures and structures put in place to identify, prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation, violence, child labor and child marriage; we design innovative modalities that are age and culture-appropriate to meet the psychosocial and educational needs of children and youth.

Save the Children Jordan provides psychosocial support sessions to vulnerable women and children within a safe and stimulating environment, and targets caregivers to trigger change in their attitudes and perceptions of child labor and child marriage.

We aim to empower community members to become advocates, mediators, activists, and supporters of vulnerable children and train them to identify and refer cases, and disseminate protection messages.

Case management


SCJ provide case management services to families in Za’atari camp and host communities, and train Community Based Organisations staff to adopt the Standard Operation Procedure and supervise the implementation closely.

Basic life skills for children


These include social, emotional and intellectual skills that children require to communicate with their surrounding, build safe and healthy relationships, and learn more about the different alternatives they can choose from in order to continue their education and chosen pathway. SCJ have developed an activities manual that is age appropriate for children and youth and that partnered Community Based Organisations can adopt.

Empowering parents and caregivers in positive parenting


Through our 5-8 day courses, parents and caregivers can learn positive practices that help them on their day-to-day parenting. The courses’ curriculum includes age appropriate tips, the developmental stages of children growth and behavioral changes, protection practices and more.

Mobilizing communities to establish child protection committees


Establishing Child Protection Committees (CPC) is an intervention aimed at strengthening the community based systems, in order to face cases of abuse and refer the families to case management. CPC members can raise awareness to families and individuals in different topics such as child marriage and child labor, and assess the families’ needs on regular basis. CPC usually include women and men, youth and refugees.

Our Impact

Protection of children from violence:

Succeeded to stop 38 early marriage cases in host communities.

Empowered 3,222 of parents and caregivers in host communities to enhance child’s rights, positive parenting practices and linking them with livelihood opportunities.

Supported 3,507 girls and boys surviving from GBV (child marriage, Home Bound Girls, physical and humiliating punishments) in host communities thru referral, child protection services, education and providing them with PSS utilizing case management and mobile approaches.

Supported 3,878 girls and boys in Zaatari refugee camp and provided them with PSS and life skills, and provided 15,006 of their parents and caregivers with tools and best practices on positive disciplines parents.

Protection of children from harmful work:

Empowered 884 children in labor in Zaatari refugee camp thru providing them with PSS, life skills, literacy numeracy and vocational training.